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Reading with Coffee


Hear It From Me

Steve Prentice is a social worker, artist, photographer, and the author of Seventh Generation.
Steve’s work with troubled children and youth from diverse backgrounds has given him a sense of the many ways they find to deal with trauma. He has an appreciation for their underlying desire to know that they are okay and that things will work out and can be better. He has seen the impact that family can have and the importance of seeing yourself as connected and part of something bigger. While working with youth and adults, he has seen firsthand the desire to hide from that which is painful. Seventh Generation addresses these concerns through the eyes of a young teenager in a way that is relatable for readers of all ages.
Steve has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Master of Social Work. While pursuing these degrees, he was introduced to Carl Jung, a psychiatrist, and Joseph Campbell, a mythologist. Seventh Generation shows how their work on the power of mythology and symbolism have influenced Steve’s understanding of the world and our desire to find our place within it. They have also taught him that understanding the interconnectedness of the world can help heal trauma.
During his 30 years as a social worker, Steve has worked with children, teens, young adults, adults, and the elderly. This has taught him that regardless of any factors that may seem to divide us, we all have the same need for love and support.
When not writing, Steve enjoys working on art projects, taking photographs of nature or industrial settings, listening to music, or playing video games.
He lives with his wife, their daughter, and the two cats who claim the family as their own.
Steve can be found online at (Instagram), (Twitter), and (Facebook).

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